You Are Enough
Love YourselfI’m Daisy, a gentle guide with Human Design as a roadmap
and many other tools to help you cultivate acceptance and love
to create genuine, loving connections in your life,
starting with the relationship with yourself.
Welcome on the Journey to your Self.
Truly Being Here with your Self
It is an art to be yourself.
It is also an art to live.
Every day we are tempted to live a life that is not ours.
Every day we are tempted to be someone we are not.
And every day we suffer because of it.
And that suffering only gets worse if we do not change it.
However, the change is not in trying to become happy, to strive for a better life, or reach a certain destination.
The change is in accepting yourself as you are, accepting life as it is.
Because from that acceptance, we learn to understand that life is an ingenious phenomenon, part of a greater plan and that we are also part of it.
Our mind thinks it knows what our life should look like, and what we should be.
But the mind does not know. And if there is one thing the mind has difficulty with, it is accepting and surrendering to “not knowing.”
And yet, that is the exercise.
My work is to get people to practice. To get the mind to practice. Little by little you learn again what it is to live from surrender and trust, even if you don’t know. There is a special magic to be found in that, a kind of magical synchronicity where you feel that everything is exactly as it should be.
In that, many people meet themselves for the first time.
In that, many people meet life for the first time.
Living as purely yourself in the life that is truly meant for you…
You with yourself. You with your music. You with your voice. You with your frequency.
Purely you. In connection with others.
Is this also something that calls to you?
Then I would like to invite you to further explore this website.
Daisy De Boevere
Clients describe me as:
authentic ⊹ gentle ⊹ empathetic ⊹ relaxed ⊹ warm ⊹ generous ⊹ wise
I’m committed to staying close to the original Human Design teachings as transmitted by Ra Uru Hu and brought to you through my unique filter as a 5/1 Emotional Projector, LAX of Upheaval, with a combination of skills, experience, and expertise as mentioned on this site.
Living Your Design
As a licensed Living Your Design Guide, I can provide Living Your Design education for those who want to gain in-depth knowledge of the foundation of the Human Design System and take the first steps in the Human Design experiment.
Work with me
Human Design
You and your design
Read the map of your design and step into an experiment on the path to self-love.
Vocal Coaching
You and your music
Vocal technique to fulfill more of your vocal potential based on your design.
Voice Liberation
You and your voice
Reconnect with your authentic voice and dare to be you in unique expression.
You and your frequency
Learn the art of Reiki, an old modality from Japan for self-healing and inner peace.